Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Three R's

It is said that there are three r’s
Reading ‘riting and ‘rithmetic
The three r’s are in fact rumbling, ranting and ‘riting

The rumbling begins
An idea germinates in the hydroponic hothouse of your mind
A phrase here
A picture there
And so the words begin to grow
Slowly at first
Often vanishing just as quietly
Until one word, one phrase
Is written in flashing neon lights

And thus the ranting ignites
Building to a crescendo at terrifying speed
Words, words and more words
Jostling for prime position
Ricocheting through the silence of the night
Phrases and fragments
Similes and sentences
Metaphors and musings
Merging into a life force
A roar that cannot be ignored
A roar so intense it must be heard

And so we come to the last of the three r’s
(Which is not really an r at all)
Riting…or writing if you would prefer
Unable to hold back the floodgates any longer the author submits to the words
They spill out onto the page,
And undeniably untamed
Sweet relief!
And so the agony is over…
Or has it really just begun?

For it is an unmistakeable fact that there is a fourth, lesser known r
It is a poor cousin to the three r’s
Almost unwelcome in attendance
It bears not the excitement, the new birth of rumbling
Nor the perpetual energy of ranting
It brings not the relief of ‘riting
It is simply hard work.
It’s almost a dirty word.

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