Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Supply and Demand

Words, words
Always too many words
White noise static
A cacophony a caucus
A raucous relentless ranting
In the depths of my mindlessness
An abundance of words in short supply

A ramble a rumble of words
A jangle a jumble of words
Tumbling twisting turning the page
Winding wending their way to my fingertips
Gentle now gentle
Coax them caress them woo them
The weft and warp of the weaver’s loom
Allow them to relax to rest
To be to believe
That there is room for all words
That all words are created equal
Every word is welcome and wanted
Allow them to breathe
To prove
To grow
Gentle now gentle

Now cull
Eradicate erase annihilate
Show no mercy
No sacrifice is too great
To survive all must die
Crucify to resurrect
Slaughter mercilessly for it was a lie
All words are not created equal
Demand perfection
Demand perfection

A ramble a rumble of words
A jangle a jumble of words
Tumbling twisting turning the page
Too many words always too many words
An abundance in short supply
Supply and demand
Demand and supply
Supply and demand the right words

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