Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cancelled - is there any worse word to hear?

Well, my suspicions were well-founded. My lovely Dr Julie decided to cancel my cycle after my last scan on Monday. Being the contrary little creature that I am, I only had 1 good sized follicle. The other two were useless little 7mm dots. In good conscience, Julie couldn't charge me $6000 to go in on the chance of 1 egg working. So we're back to the drawing board again.

The hardest thing was I still needed to have an injection the next morning, just to finish my cycle nicely, as well as the trigger injection that night. I'm sure those 2 hurt a lot more than the others; lacking purpose is not a good thing when you are sticking a very sharp needle into your stomach! Having said that, they didn't hurt nearly as much as I remembered. I must have been a complete sook before.

Where to from here? We are going to try a natural cycle. It's about 1/4 of the cost and since I'm only producing one egg on the drugs, we may as well skip that part and just get the one I produce naturally - we're going for quality not quantity! There are some benefits to doing a natural cycle, namely that it's cheaper, I don't have injections, and I don't have to agonise over frozen embryos which I am prone to do. Furthermore, the only time we have had frozen embryos (2), neither of them survived the thaw when it came time for the embryo transfer. There doesn't seem to be much point putting them on ice if they aren't useable!

I'm quite comfortable with the whole situation. I am less upset than I thought I would be. That's the way the cookie crumbles I suppose. I am just so thankful that our little man is around - he certainly fills up my days and stops me feeling sorry for myself!!

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